Super Secrets For Fast Hair Growth

Amongst the various tips and tricks to maintaining healthy hair leading to growth - we all need that little extra secret that makes people go “Wow your hair has grown so quickly”! And here it is, the top secrets to super charge your hair growth.

Choose one or all and stick to it for at last one month. It’s important to use one at a time so you can measure which one gives you faster growth. The hair treatments are all done as part of your bi-weekly wash routine but for emergency regrowth, e.g. after a bad hair cut or hair disaster - they can be done daily for the first week followed by twice a week thereafter. Secrets after the jump.

The Truth About Hair Relaxer and Straightening Products

The Truth About Hair Relaxers and Chemical Straightening

Any chemical process is damaging on your hair, however if you choose to go this route, then ensure that it is done on healthy hair. Relaxing over damaged, previously processed or bleached hair will cause your hair to break off or even disintegrate. 

It is thus advisable that you first focus on treating your hair for as long as you can to get it into optimal health before relaxing.

Do not relax your hair more than once a month. Try to stretch out your relaxer to as long as possible as you focus on your hair regime and new growth.  Always choose a mild relaxer.

The FDA in the United States lists Hair Dyes and Hair Strengtheners as the two top consumer complaints received in any given year! DIY Chemical processing products are available over any counter for anyone to use. It is however a powerful process which changes the basic chemical makeup of the hair strand.

Before performing any chemical process whether it’s at home or in a salon, it is important to have all the information required to make informed decisions. The following information is scary - so be warned, natural doesn’t sound that bad after reading this. More after the jump.